Support to Anti-Corruption Efforts in Kosovo (SAEK II)

Project Summary

Building upon the achievements of SAEK I on fostering citizens’ participation and enhancing corruption prevention in public institutions, SAEK II aims to strengthen institutional transparency, accountability and integrity through a gender sensitive approach. The project takes a balanced approach to preventing and suppressing corruption by improving the policy and legal framework as well as enabling better detection, prosecution and adjudication of corruption cases.

What we want to achieve

1.       An enhanced policy, regulatory and monitoring framework on the prevention and suppression of corruption;

2.       Corruption cases more effectively detected and processed by anti-corruption institutions;

3.       Strengthened civic engagement mechanisms to hold institutions accountable.

Results to date

•         Development of Kosovo’s anti-corruption legal and policy framework through technical and legal advice;

•         Introduction of an online platform and case management system for public officials’ asset and income disclosures;

•         Accreditation of 43 investigators on Fraud Examination and Forensic Accounting;

•         Money laundering Typologies of Politically Exposed Persons in Kosovo that assess trends of corruption and money laundering and provide guidelines for reporting suspicious clients and activities to investigative authorities;

•         Publication of the Corruption Risk Assessments for Notaries and Bar Association of Kosovo that provide analyses of risks and recommendations for closing potential gaps;

•         UNCAC Gap Analysis assessment of Kosovo’s compliance with the international convention;

•         Citizen engagement through reporting alleged corruption through the platform;

•         TV series The Prosecutor that informs the public about how the prosecution runs corruption cases;

•         Increased awareness of the work of the prosecution through advanced training for 10 spokespersons in the prosecution services.