Corruption Risk Assessment - Kosovo Extractive Industries Sector

Corruption Risk Assessment - Kosovo Extractive Industries Sector

October 20, 2016

This report presents conclusions of a corruption risk assessment in the extractive industries sector in Kosovo carried out as part of the Support to Anti-Corruption Efforts in Kosovo project (2012 – 2020) with the support of the UNDP Extractive Industries for Sustainable Development program. The assessment consists of a desk review of pertinent laws and regulatory documents that govern extractive industry operations in Kosovo, and in-depth interviews conducted with major stakeholders active in the sector, including ministries, regulatory institutions, industry representatives, civil society, academia and media. The report is the first assessment to follow UNDP’s newly developed methodology for corruption risk assessments for the extractive industries, and takes into consideration the likelihood and the impact of corruption along the governance value chain.

The research and writing of the report was a collaborative effort of Extractive Industries and Sustainable Development, UNDP Bureau for Policy and Programme Support based in New York, and UNDP Support to Anti-Corruption Efforts in Kosovo (SAEK) project team based in Pristina, Kosovo.