Training judges and prosecutors from a distance

May 27, 2019

As modern technology brings forth innovative solutions for transferring knowledge, the Academy of Justice in Kosovo is utilizing a cost-effective e-learning tool to ensure quality training for judges and prosecutors. The flexible and convenient nature of e-learning means that judges, prosecutors and legal practitioners no longer need to be present at a physical location, as traditionally is the case, but can access educational tools anywhere at any time.

Through the Distance Learning platform, participants at the Academy of Justice are now obtaining professional skills, while saving valuable time and resources. The trainings involve both experienced and newly appointed judges and prosecutors and their administrative staff.

Over the years, the Academy has had an extensive and productive partnership with UNDP and the Distance Learning platform is the latest achievement of this cooperative effort. Through this component of our Rule of Law project, UNDP has involved a Distance Learning Officer whose daily work consists of maintaining and updating the training modules, overseeing participation, providing user support, and ensuring that the platform keeps up with expected standards.

All trainings are available in both Albanian and Serbian, which is crucial for the integration of Kosovo Serb judges and prosecutors into the judicial system. The system also provides a forum where professionals from different communities can discuss and connect with each other.

The project is funded by the Norwegian Embassy in Prishtinë/Priština and implemented by UNDP Kosovo for the Academy of Justice. To learn more about the Distance Learning platform, take a look at the Academy of Justice official webpage.